Canine Behavior: Are Some Wolves "Cheaters?"
Why Does Cooperation Go Down When Pack Size Goes Up? Should Game Theory Be Applied to Wolf Packs? One area of great interest in current...

Canine Behavior: Why Do Some Dogs Act Sneaky When "Stealing" Food?
If Dogs "Steal" Food Does That Mean They Have a Theory of Mind? I've Got a Case of the Munchies—I Hope No One's Looking... Perspective...

Canine Behavior: Why Are More Dogs Aggressive These Days?
And Are Dominance Trainers Really to Blame? “Nowadays, far more dogs are fearful of people, reactive to other dogs and unreliable...

Dog Training in New York City: How to Treat and Cure Resource Guarding
What It Is? What Causes It? How Do You Cure It? What Is Resource Guarding? The behavior commonly known as “resource guarding” is where a...

Canine Behavior: How Do Lost Dogs Find Their Way Home?
The Power of Emotion Whenever I pass someone who’s talking on their cell phone, I usually hear one of two things: “Where are you?” or...

Canine Behavior: Why Do Dogs Mark Their Territory?
The simplest answer is they don’t. The Concept of Territory Is Fairly New The idea that dogs mark their territory is a myth, a fable, an...

4 Levels of Emotional Trauma in Dogs
Bruised, Wounded, Injured and Damaged Two things came up this week which prompted this post. First, a member of the Natural Dog Training...

Canine Behavior: The Difference Between Cats and Dogs (or One of Them)
Why Dogs Love Us Unconditionally and Cats Don’t Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty There’s a cat in my neighborhood who gets taken for a walk...

Dog Training in New York City: Emotional Grounding vs. Mental Stimulation
What Dogs Need Is More Emotional Grounding and Less Mental Stimulation Originally published on May 06, 2016 at The Evolved Dog. I saw an...

Drive Training and the Missing Mechanism Behind Premack’s Principle
Why Premack’s Works When It Works, Why It Doesn’t When It Doesn’t Cats, Monkeys and Guinea Pigs In another post from a few years ago,I...