Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 3
Are Dogs Smarter than Toddlers? You Do the Math! Um ... E Equals What Now? Canine Math Tests In 2009 Dr. Stanley Coren did a study on...

A "Dominance Denier" Answers His Critics
Here’s My Credible Debate on Social Dominance in Dogs and Wolves Flipping Polarities: Dominance and Submission or Pure Play? “In science...

Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 2
Hey, Doggie, Do You Know What Time It Is? Three Ways of Experiencing Time There are three ways of experiencing time: linear, cyclical,...

Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 1
Four Things Dogs Know Nothing About and One They Know By Heart Do Dogs Understand Human Language? Recently I came across a list of...

Canine Behavior: Why Do Dogs Cover Their Poop?
Evolutionary Strategy or Gut Feeling? Two Opposing Theories A recent article from The Dodo tries to explain why some dogs scratch at the...

Canine Behavior: Are "Calming Signals" a Deliberate Form of Communication?
Or Are They Unconscious Expressions of Stress? Lip Licking Is Often an Indicator of Stress Dogs & Humans, Similarities & Differences Dogs...

Canine Behavior: Do Dogs Have a Theory of Mind? Part 2
Field of Vision vs Line of Sight What People Notice That Dogs Don’t, What Dogs Notice That People Don’t Theory of mind is a scientific...

How and Why Do Dogs Exhibit the Play Bow?
Conscious Intent or the Unconscious Expression of Emotion? Linda Case is a science writer and clicker trainer. She writes a popular blog...

Dog Training: Treating Separation Anxiety, Part 4
Is it Time to Add Pushing and Collecting to Your SA/D Protocols? “Fear is the collapse of a state of attraction. And because a dog...

Canine Behavior: The Siege at Druid Peak
Tuning into nature’s most developed social network, the domesticated dog. “Nothing in nature is random.” – Spinoza This is one of the...