Dog Training: Walking on a Leash, Part 1
Let's Go for a Walk! If you have trouble getting your dog not to pull ahead when walking on the leash, this article may help! Equipment:...

Dog Training: Treating Reactivity, Part 3
This is Oddy The Case of Oddy, the Miniature Schnauzer, Part 2 Odysseus and Penelope (Oddy and Penny), two miniature schnauzers, were...

Dog Training: Treating Reactivity, Part 2
The Case of Oddy, The Miniature Schnauzer This Is Not Oddy Converting Stress Into Flow My interpretation of the Natural Dog Training...

Dog Training: Treating the Reactive Dog, Part 1
Treating Reactivity by Increasing Emotional Capacity While researching this article I came across a blog post written by a +R trainer...

Dog Behavior: Reactivity
What Is “Reactivity” in Dogs? How and Why Do Dogs Become “Reactive?” Dogs are the most social animal on earth. They can also be the most...

Dog Training: How to Be Your Dog's Stress Buffer
Step One: Make the Dog Feel Safe Originally published in slightly different form on May 1, 2012 at Understanding...

Dog Training: 4 Easy Ways to Establish a Deeper Connection With Your Dog
Observe, Wonder, Feel, and Be. Originally published in slightly different form at One evening, many years ago, I was...

Dog Behavior: Why Do Dogs Like to "Kiss" Us?
Contains material originally published at Wolf “Kissing” a Woman—Is This Sweet or a Recipe for Disaster? Traditional...

My Training Philosophy
My Training Philosophy I’m a Neo-Freudian dog trainer. Seriously. As I see it, all canine behavior is either an expression of unconscious...

Dog Training: Teaching a Dog Not to Jump Up
Three Easy Steps to a Politer, and More Socially-Attracted Dog! Does your dog jump up on you whenever you come home? Does he do the same...