Dog Behavior: Predatory Aggression
Why Do Some Dogs Chase and Kill Small Animals or Birds? Psychological or Behavioral Problem? In an online article Dr. Nicholas Dodman,...

Dog Training: Treating the Reactive Dog, Part 1
Treating Reactivity by Increasing Emotional Capacity While researching this article I came across a blog post written by a +R trainer...

Dog Training: 4 Easy Ways to Establish a Deeper Connection With Your Dog
Observe, Wonder, Feel, and Be. Originally published in slightly different form at One evening, many years ago, I was...

Dog Behavior: Why Do Dogs Like to "Kiss" Us?
Contains material originally published at Wolf “Kissing” a Woman—Is This Sweet or a Recipe for Disaster? Traditional...

My Training Philosophy
My Training Philosophy I’m a Neo-Freudian dog trainer. Seriously. As I see it, all canine behavior is either an expression of unconscious...

Dog Behavior: Why Dogs Sniff Each Other
Is Sniffing Other Dogs the Canine Equivalent of a Handshake? Originally published in slightly different form on July 13, 2009 at...

How to Teach Your Puppy Not to Bite
Stop Puppy Bites the Natural Way One of the worst fears people have is that their cute, orally-fixated puppy will grow up to be a problem...

Dog Training: How to Cure Thunderphobia
Barking Up a Storm Excerpted from an article written for DogsNaturally Magazine, Oct/Nov, 2014. Tension & Release Fear of thunderstorms...

Dog Behavior: Why Dogs Bark
A Look at Barking From the Dog's Point of View Dogs are said to bark for different reasons in various situations and under diverse...

Is Learning Shaped by Consequences?
Is Learning Shaped by Consequences or by Detecting Environmental Changes? Originally published in different form on September 16, 2010 at...