An Open Letter to New York Dog Trainers, Part 2
Dog Training For the 21st Century The Law of Effect In a blog post, written last year, Dr. Ian Dunbar wrote: “Edward Lee Thorndike showed...

Canine Behavior: The Emotional Center of Gravity
What Movies, Video-Games, and Sports Reveal About Why Dogs Chase Moving Objects Have you ever wondered why dogs like to chase Frisbees...

Dog Training: 4 Easy Ways to Establish a Deeper Connection With Your Dog
Observe, Wonder, Feel, and Be. Originally published in slightly different form at One evening, many years ago, I was...

My Training Philosophy
My Training Philosophy I’m a Neo-Freudian dog trainer. Seriously. As I see it, all canine behavior is either an expression of unconscious...

Dog Training: How to Cure Thunderphobia
Barking Up a Storm Excerpted from an article written for DogsNaturally Magazine, Oct/Nov, 2014. Tension & Release Fear of thunderstorms...

Is Learning Shaped by Consequences?
Is Learning Shaped by Consequences or by Detecting Environmental Changes? Originally published in different form on September 16, 2010 at...

An Open Letter to New York Dog Trainers
This blog post is actually written for all dog owners and trainers, everywhere. I'd like to introduce you to a wonderful training...