Dealing With a Pushy Dog
Why Do Some Dogs Act Pushy? Lack of Manners or Lack of Momentum? Does your dog insistently push toys at you when he wants to play? Does...

Canine Behavior: Are Dogs Capable of Feeling Guilty?
Three Simple Reasons Why Dogs Don’t Feel Guilt I Didn't Mean to Do It! “We Don’t Know If Dogs Feel Guilt So Stop Saying They Don’t” In a...

Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 4
What Do Economics and Game Theory Have to Do With Dogs? “[Darwin] pointed out how, in numberless animal societies, the struggle between...

Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 3
Are Dogs Smarter than Toddlers? You Do the Math! Um ... E Equals What Now? Canine Math Tests In 2009 Dr. Stanley Coren did a study on...

A "Dominance Denier" Answers His Critics
Here’s My Credible Debate on Social Dominance in Dogs and Wolves Flipping Polarities: Dominance and Submission or Pure Play? “In science...

Language, Time, Love, Math and Money: Part 2
Hey, Doggie, Do You Know What Time It Is? Three Ways of Experiencing Time There are three ways of experiencing time: linear, cyclical,...

Canine Behavior: Why Do Dogs Cover Their Poop?
Evolutionary Strategy or Gut Feeling? Two Opposing Theories A recent article from The Dodo tries to explain why some dogs scratch at the...

Canine Behavior: Are "Calming Signals" a Deliberate Form of Communication?
Or Are They Unconscious Expressions of Stress? Lip Licking Is Often an Indicator of Stress Dogs & Humans, Similarities & Differences Dogs...

Canine Behavior: Do Dogs Have a Theory of Mind? Part 2
Field of Vision vs Line of Sight What People Notice That Dogs Don’t, What Dogs Notice That People Don’t Theory of mind is a scientific...

Dog Training: Treating Separation Anxiety, Part 4
Is it Time to Add Pushing and Collecting to Your SA/D Protocols? “Fear is the collapse of a state of attraction. And because a dog...