Dog Behavior: Are Dogs Telepathic, Part 1
How do some dogs know when their owners are coming home? A Distant Feeling Have you ever answered the phone and said, “I was just...

Dog Behavior: Dogs and Doorways
Myth: When a Dog Goes Through the Door First It Means He “Thinks He’s Alpha” If your dog gets overly excited when you come home or when...

Canine Behavior: Charles Darwin and the Dominance Meme, Part 2
Does Human Observation Create Dominance Hierarchies? “Although it has been shown that in horses … dominance hierarchies are so poorly...

Canine Behavior: Charles Darwin and the Dominance Meme, Part 1
Do Dominance Hierarchies Run Counter to Darwin's Theories? Two wolves playing in the snow. “I aimed for a modest presentation. I would...

Dog Behavior: Predatory Aggression
Why Do Some Dogs Chase and Kill Small Animals or Birds? Psychological or Behavioral Problem? In an online article Dr. Nicholas Dodman,...